Tarot Card Reading
Choose between four Tarot Card Readings
Tarot cards do not tell the future; rather, tarot is a tool for spiritual guidance and enables the person receiving the reading to connect to his or her inner wisdom.
Tarot readings help a person understand what he or she needs to know about a particular situation. Decks are best used as a tool of inner wisdom and guidance, as readings give a person insight to past, current and future events based on the person’s current path at the time of the reading.
The cards do not necessarily reveal what will happen, but instead, allow a person to gain an understanding of a situation and determine the best course of action based on what is known and what the cards show.
These Tarot Card Reading sessions delve into your most inner feelings, to help sort out current issues in your life. Changing ones life path for the better is possible. Don’t leave it to chance, get the information you seek. Get in touch to receive a Key…
Remember: I can give you a Key to unlock The Door, what you do with it is up to you…
Ways Oracle Readings and Messages are Different from Other General, Tarot or Energy Readings:
The Oracle Decks or cards have any number of cards per deck unlike tarot cards which have 78 cards, are designed around a deity or theme and are organized in different suits.
The Oracle Cards are designed to enhance intuition and “thinking abilities”, Rather than the structure of the deck.
They are meant to give advice yet open to interpretations vs. the pretty much rock-solid interpretations of the Tarot.
An Oracle deck is very thoughtful, but it is vastly different than Tarot which can have messages of truth and offering inspiration.
When to Choose Oracle Cards vs. Tarot Cards?
Oracle Messages are messages that you need to fulfill a purpose, not whether you should buy a house or return to an ex, though these messages are important to true enough, these are not the messages you will get in an Oracle Card or energy reading. Oracle messages are profound and very important, so it would benefit anyone to get an Oracle Reading.
Tarot cards are thought to have hard-hitting information and to predict, whereby the Oracle Cards have smaller, more digestible messages and can (and will) improve intuition.
We are given these tools to put us on the right path, be it literature, divine writings or verbal messages through nature, animals and spirit creatures. In our lives, we are aware that there is profound knowledge for each of us and to be a seeker of divine truth. Seeking divine truth is a smart choice!